After two years worth of on/off development, including complete rewrites from scratch and other madness, the first beta version of Beat for iPadOS is here!

Subscribe to Patreon to join the beta!

To fund the development, the beta is currently limited to 3rd tier Patreon subscribers. You also can subscribe and cancel immediately, if you so will. The beta invitation link is available on Patreon, and requires you to install Apple TestFlight app.

The port might still lack some polish, especially with on-screen keyboard input. Some newer features of the desktop version are also couple of steps behind on iPad.

Beat for iOS should be out by December, but at first, it will be a paid app. The development has taken up a big chunk of my personal life, and it’s done on personal resources. Patreon subscribers and beta testers will of course get the released app without a cost, and fear not, the desktop app will remain free forever.

I’ll keep the price low, so if you can afford an iPad, you’ll afford Beat for it, too. If you’ve stolen (or found) your iPad and are legitimately broke, you can write me an e-mail and get a free download code. I’m not looking for getting rich, I’d just hope to cover some of the costs.

Also, remember to report any bugs your encounter, either directly through TestFlight or by e-mail or Discord.

Thank you and happy writing!