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  5. Sections and Synopses

Sections and Synopses


Synopses are optional blocks of text to describe a section or scene.

Synopses are single lines prefixed by an equals sign =. They can be located anywhere within the screenplay and are completely ignored in formatted output. Spaces between the = and the text are ignored.

# ACT I =Set up the characters and the story. EXT. BRICK’S PATIO – DAY = This scene sets up Brick & Steel’s new life as retirees. Warm sun, cold beer, and absolutely nothing to do. A gorgeous day. The sun is shining. But BRICK BRADDOCK, retired police detective, is sitting quietly, contemplating — something.

Both synopses and sections can be printed out if you so wish.


Sections are optional markers for managing the structure of a story. On macOS, you can use them like nested folders in sidebar outline view.

Sections are completely ignored in output, but in Novel Mode sections are used as chapter headings.

Sections are created by preceding a line with one or more hashes #. The more hashes, the deeper the section level is, so sections can be nested within other sections. Spaces between the last # and the text are ignored.

#Act ##Sequence CUT TO: ### This is a scene marked as a Section. INT. PALACE HALLWAY – NIGHT ## Another Sequence # Another Act

Boneyard Section

Note: This is a Beat-specific addition to Fountain syntax. Boneyard section might show up in printed output in other apps.

If you create a section called # Boneyard, everything after that section heading will be ignored by Beat. You can use the boneyard section to store scrapped ideas, random scenes that didn’t fit anywhere and so on.