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  5. Creating Your First Project (macOS)

Creating Your First Project (macOS)

When opening Beat, you’ll see a welcome screen. Here you can either start a new, blank screenplay or look at tutorials and templates. If this is your first time using Beat and/or you are unfamiliar with Fountain, it’s highly recommended to go through the basic tutorial.

A blank document looks like this:

It’s advisable to first add some title page information. You can do this by selecting Screenplay → Add Tittle Page. You can fill in this information later.

You can now start writing and stop worrying! Remember to check your Quick Settings to set the correct page size and adjust the editor to your liking. There’s a lot of additional settings available in Preferences panel (via the Beat menu) but most likely you won’t need those at this point.

By default, Beat starts in Screenplay Mode. If you are looking to write a Novel, select the Novel style via Screenplay Style.

Have fun!